Seasonal Record of Events in the Market

Collections of events that we see happening in the NEM, categorised in terms of the seasons in which they occur.

Prices see-saw across the (mainland) NEM today

An interesting day in the NEM today, with prices gyrating across a wide spectrum, and across all four mainland regions – on the back of higher demand in Victoria and South Australia due to temperatures there, and supported by transmission issues and other factors.

Yallourn is limping back into service

Following some questions yesterday (from clients and others) we take a quick look at how Yallourn Power Station is progressing in coming back from outage caused by inundation from the nearby river.

Yes, the demand did peek above 30,000MW

Looking further (after making the first post today) I see that the demand did rise above 30,000MW across the Australian National Electricity Market today – still a very low level for the highest demand so far this summer…