Energy Transition

A large collection of articles pertaining to the ongoing ‘Energy Transition’ in any of a number of ways.

Specific sub-categories relate to such things as Coal Closure, and other aspects of the transition.


Too Early to Say?

Guest author, Allan O’Neil, publishes some analysis for WattClarity on price and generation mix changes apparent in the NEM coincident with (but not wholly caused by) the closure of the last remaining units at Liddell Power Station.

We’re not building enough replacement dispatchable capacity

With completion of GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023 approaching, and following some conversations recently (and probably this week at EUAA Conference) here are two charts looking backwards just at fully dispatchable plant that highlight one of the ways in which ‘the level of risk in the NEM is escalating’.

Renewable curtailment – forced and not quite so forced

Inspired by the recent article by Tristan Edis (who referenced the GSD2022 in analysis of curtailment of some wind and solar farms), Allan O’Neil follows on with more analysis of the two main types of curtailment. Allan differentiates these as ‘forced curtailment’ and ‘economic offloading’

Liddell’s ghost stalks the market

During early morning Monday 1st May prices spiked in the NSW quite unexpectedly. Guest author Allan O’Neil takes us into the complexities of the EMMS and NEMDE to help us understand the mechanics of how this happened.

Liddell’s unit 4 closes

A quick note to show the last dispatch interval of output from Lidell Unit 4, with the two remaining units slated to follow suit in the coming days.