EnergyAustralia notes the likely change of operating mode for Mt Piper coal-fired power station in NSW
Third article today looking back at news with respect to ‘coal closure’ … this article pertaining to EnergyAustralia’s Mt Piper station in NSW.
A large collection of articles pertaining to the ongoing ‘Energy Transition’ in any of a number of ways.
Specific sub-categories relate to such things as Coal Closure, and other aspects of the transition.
Third article today looking back at news with respect to ‘coal closure’ … this article pertaining to EnergyAustralia’s Mt Piper station in NSW.
Also in the past week, news media (claiming to have sighted some of the ‘Electricity Supply and Reliability Check Up’ from MJA with respect to Eraring Power Station) report the potential extension of service.
An article at the end of the week in which AGL Energy announced the establishment of a Structured Transition Agreement (STA) with respect to Loy Yang A and the notice of closure for 30th June 2035.
On Friday last week (4th August 2023) the proposed design of the ‘Capacity Investment Scheme’ was published … with submissions requested before Thursday 31st August 2023.
A belated and back-dated article to point to the EnergyAustralia Media Release of 7th August 2023 about the $400 million outage plans for Yallourn for 2023 and 2024.
The change to use MaxAvail from the energy bid, for semi-scheduled units, was implemented on 7 August 2023.
Today (Thu 3rd Aug 2023) the AEMC commenced a process of examining the proposed establishment of a ‘Scheduled Lite’ mechanism …
An article today referencing the VEPC paper ‘No longer lost in transmission’ (about extended VNI-West, and the authors proposed alternative ‘Plan B’) and the AEMO’s initial response.
2 x AEMO Market Notices this afternoon prompt this article about four upcoming Market Enhancements … with the first to planned to commence from next Monday 7th August 2023
Light winds and a constrained interconnector contributed to elevated prices on 1 August 2023.
Kate Summers gave the keynote address for the “System and market design for a high renewables future” session at the CEC’s Clean Energy Summit earlier this week. This article contains the full text of her speech.
Friday 14th July 2023 sees some media articles and commentary about several coal-fired generators running longer than previously thought, as the energy transition hits some speed bumps.
After having had an extended break abroad, the coverage from last week’s AEW event provided a unique opportunity to check back in with the energy market from an outsider’s perspective.
With Q2 drawing to a close, we’re gearing up to produce GenInsights Quarterly Update for this quarter. Timely to look back at Q1 at what was reported about curtailment of wind and solar in that earlier Quarterly Update.
The ‘Australian Energy Week’ conference this week in Melbourne, and the NEM this evening has given a real-time example of some energy transition challenges.
A quick note at another research paper (focused on an area of interest to us) that’s crossed our field of vision.
In conjunction with the analysis done to complete GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023 (released today), here’s 14 years of daily data of ‘Aggregate Scheduled Target’ that might help to illustrate the aggregate requirement for fully dispatchable capacity of some type as the closure of coal accelerates into the future.
AEMO is re-enabling the ‘MaxAvail’ figure in bids for Semi-Scheduled units. It will act as a limit on capacity available, feeding into the NEMDE dispatch process for the unit. We look at how Semi-Scheduled plant have currently been treating MaxAvail in the bid and share some insights.
Today (Tue 23rd May) is the go-live date for AEMO’s EMMS v5.2 – which will contain new data for some market enhancements. Here’s a quick look at where this first change will appear in ez2view, highlighting some considerations for Semi-Scheduled units and self-forecasting.
Guest author, Allan O’Neil, publishes some analysis for WattClarity on price and generation mix changes apparent in the NEM coincident with (but not wholly caused by) the closure of the last remaining units at Liddell Power Station.