ESOO Unboxing
Without resiling from last week’s criticism of how the headlines from AEMO’s 2019 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) were communicated, it’d be churlish for me to fault the...
Without resiling from last week’s criticism of how the headlines from AEMO’s 2019 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) were communicated, it’d be churlish for me to fault the...
I’d rather not add to the number of conspiracy theories in circulation, but I wonder if there’s a conspiracy to make understanding our electricity system in general, and...
Bit of an uncanny coincidence, having posted some concerns about the coming summer 2019-20 only 2 days ago, to find that the AEMO has called for expressions of...
An AEMO Market Notice about "Generator Recall" for Friday's forecast hot weather in South Australia and Victoria prompts a quick look at what's changed in the forecast that...
Currently (as at Monday morning 11th February) AEMO forecasts indicate that Queensland electricity demand on Wednesday afternoon will come very close to an all-time record.
Two quick notes about what happened in Victoria on Friday 25th January 2019 following conversations with a number of people.
Back at work this week and (with curiosity getting the better of me) I have another look at what happened last Thursday and Friday in the South Australian...
A first look at some of the action seen in the southern parts of the NEM on Thursday 24th January 2019 as a result of the latest crazy...
Following AEMO's warnings issued yesterday about possible extreme heat next week in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, I take more of a look at what might transpire and compare...
With high temperatures forecast to return to the NEM next week, we take a quick look at the AEMO's demand forecast.
Following on from Paul’s article on Queensland, this post examines the summer outlook for the other mainland NEM regions, drawing from some key AEMO publications and datasources, namely: the...
A quick look at AEMO's current forecasts for Friday (prompted by a few conversations externally)...
Two quick snapshots of a high priced day in Victoria and South Australia - with the price jumping above $12,000/MWh at 15:50
A quick first look at the way the AEMO is currently seeing the supply/demand balance for the Queensland region through summer and Q1 2019 - with the "out...
A new peak Scheduled Demand and Operational Demand in Queensland today with Scheduled Demand still over 9,100 MW after 8 PM.
Queensland experienced a new record for Scheduled Demand for electricity today - but what's particular staggering is how late in the day it happened!
A brief look at the numbers with the temporary coal supply issue affecting Loy Yang A and Loy Yang B overnight
Looks like being an interesting day on Wednesday next week (14th February 2018) with high temperatures currently forecast for parts of both QLD and NSW
On a day when high temperatures drove demand in Victoria above 9,000MW (and NEM-wide demand above 30,000MW) we saw some price volatility - with prices in VIC and...
Electricity demand in Queensland today reached 9072MW in the 16:40 dispatch interval, passing 9,000MW for the first time this summer.