Watt scarcity?
Guest author Allan O'Neil examines some recent episodes of price volatility (particularly 30th July to 5th August 2024) and whether they were driven by a shortage of supply,...
Guest author Allan O'Neil examines some recent episodes of price volatility (particularly 30th July to 5th August 2024) and whether they were driven by a shortage of supply,...
Now making it 5 out of the past 6 years, we return to the analysis of electricity (spot and futures) pricing patterns for Q2 periods across the NEM...
Caroline Wykamp and Hydro Tasmania's wholesale team discuss the new 'virtual storage’ electricity swap contract that they have recently brokered with Renewable Energy Hub.
Prompted by several different conversations offline in early 2021, I've taken a quick look at what have been traded volumes (on ASX) of the traditional 'PEAK' hedge contract...
Perhaps missed amongst all the bushfire-related action in the NEM, the SA Minister for Energy last week initiated the Retailer Reliability Obligation. Guest author Allan O’Neil tries to...
Guest Author, Warwick Forster, looks at designing a combined solar & storage business model for the NEM
Guest author, Warwick Forster, provides an explanation of some of the common ways that retailers hedge their risk exposure in the National Electricity Market
Guest author Allan O'Neil provides this handy explainer on how generators’ contract positions affect their bidding decisions and can make negative spot prices pay off, at least in...
Guest author, Drew Donnelly at Compliance Quarter, uses the review of hedge practices in the wholesale market included in the recent ACCC report as an opportunity to reflect...
Our guest author, Dave Guiver from ERM Power, outlines some new options for hedging in relation to the influx of many new large-scale solar PV projects
Illustrating how the price spike on 14th January flowed through to hedge contract prices.