Another quick look at demand forecasts in QLD for this Friday, 24th Jan 2025
Dan shares an updated look at our forecast convergence widget for this coming Friday afternoon, in light of the record breaking demand in the region earlier this evening.
Dan shares an updated look at our forecast convergence widget for this coming Friday afternoon, in light of the record breaking demand in the region earlier this evening.
An early look at two demand-side factors worth examining regarding the tight situation in NSW yesterday.
A demand decline in NSW supports the end to a RERT intervention in NSW on 27 November 2024.
Ben Domensino of WeatherZone provides some context about the heatwave being experienced in NSW today.
A short record of evening volatility in VIC and SA during the heatwave on Sunday 10th March 2024.
Ben Domensino of WeatherZone provides an update on the bushfire danger in Victoria and Tasmania, whilst temperature forecasts are projected to be elevated in northern NSW.
A short note following a post from Ben Domensino warning of 40+ degree weather in the Sydney metropolitan area tomorrow.
On Monday the AEMO held their annual Summer Readiness Briefing for Summer 2023/24. Meanwhile, the ABC are reporting that the current El Nino has reached 'strong intensity'.
Taking a look on the demand side of the equation, to see what was visible of demand side responses during the tight supply/demand balance period in Queensland on...
In addition to this AEMC Rule Determination, I also noted that AEMO published this ‘RERT Contracted Report for 1st and 2nd February 2022’ back on 2nd March 2022:...
An initial review of some (wholesale) supply-side factors contributing to the extreme price volatility (and Reserve Trader etc) that occurred in the first week of February 2022 in...
Back at work this week and (with curiosity getting the better of me) I have another look at what happened last Thursday and Friday in the South Australian...
A first look at some of the action seen in the southern parts of the NEM on Thursday 24th January 2019 as a result of the latest crazy...
New South Wales recently experienced a severe heatwave, which saw parts of the state exceed 45°C. During this three day period, small solar PV (i.e. PV systems that...
One of our guest authors, a meteorologist, lends his expertise to helping us understand one of the reasons why peak demand for summer 2014-15 was what it was.
AEMO's forecast showing Sunday evening's electricity demand for Queensland could reach a new record with the 40 degree temperatures in South-East Queensland.
Following the heatwave last week, a review of the symbiotic nature of the link between the gas and electricity markets in the gas-hungry state of South Australia