The extended outage at Eraring unit 3 (as at Thu morning 5th Dec 2024)
We thought we'd take a quick look at Eraring unit 3, given it was the focus of Colin Packham’s article yesterday in the Australian.
We thought we'd take a quick look at Eraring unit 3, given it was the focus of Colin Packham’s article yesterday in the Australian.
Given forecasts for early next week in NSW, it’s some welcome news to see that the BW04 unit has commenced its return to service process.
In the last MT PASA DUID Availability data update for Friday 12th July 2024 the return to service expectation for the repaired Callide C4 unit has been delayed...
A glance at our generator outages widget shows a further three week delay to the expected RTS of Callide Unit C4.
An early afternoon look (Sat 18th May 2024) about the delays in return to service for the forced outages at two NSW coal units (Eraring unit 2 and...
A short note about another (minor) delay in return to service for the repaired Callide C3 unit, that suffered a cooling tower failure.
Twelve days ago there was news about a delay to return to service for Callide C3 (now to 31st March 2024), but we'd missed it.
The third (of 4) units at Loy Yang A that tripped on Wed 13th Feb 2024 is beginning to return to service ~26 hours afterwards.
A short note (Monday 15th January 2024) about delays in return to service for both of Callide C3 and Callide C4 units.
A quick note on WattClarity to tie in an update (earlier this month) from CS Energy on the rebuild of the cooling tower for Callide C3 and C4.
More updates recently about the Callide C power station. Looks like we'll be waiting a while longer for the (delayed again) return to service...
A short article today noting the additional delays in return-to-service expectations for both Callide C3 and C4.
Yesterday (Wed 28th Dec) CS Energy informed the market of further delays in RTS for Callide C3 and C4 - today we take a quick look.
Callide B2 has returned to service - perhaps a bit earlier than earlier projections noted.
A short note about return to service for LYA2, which had been out for over 6 months.
Prompted by a comment by a WattClarity reader, I've taken a quick look at Loy Yang A2 for the past week.
Third article today about major outages - this one looking at current expectations for RTS for Loy Yang A2 after some apparent slippage.
One of many articles in the AFR this week flagged an extension of major outage on Kogan Creek Power Station. In this article we take a quick initial...