Keeping up with the curtailment: 3.7TWh of semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment estimated in 2023
A chart of the the month-by-month semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment totals, along with the top 3 worst hit units over 2023.
A chart of the the month-by-month semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment totals, along with the top 3 worst hit units over 2023.
It's now seven months since the SCADA outage on Sunday 24th January 2021 - and we're finally able to complete and publish this (quite long) article exploring some...
We've started exploring the constraint data from the QLD region for back on Tuesday 25th May 2021 (with the Callide C4 catastrophe) and here's some initial information.
This is the 13th Case Study in this series (looking at each of 98 extreme incidents). Note I have skipped 2 events earlier in 2018 and will come...