Articles by Paul McArdle

One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

Long-Term Market trends and forecasts

As we have the time, we’ll provide some commentary here about the methods used by the various bodies for “long term” (which in the NEM means 10-years, typically)  forecasting. Where they don’t fit elsewhere, we’ll also put articles here looking…

About Emissions Reduction

A topic containing miscellaneous articles covering aspects of emissions reduction technologies (including renewables) and schemes (including the CPRS, Emissions Trading and the Carbon Tax).

Dependence on gas supplies in the NEM

Our Managing Director spoke at the “Australian Energy & Utility Summit 08” in
Sydney on Tuesday 22nd July 2008, touching on a number of issues including the Emissions Trading System and the possible emergence of a NEM heavily dependent on gas
supplies, which might be unreliable.

NSW winter peak demand forecasts

Our Managing Director spoke at the “Australian Energy & Utility Summit 08” in
Sydney on Tuesday 22nd July 2008, touching on a number of issues including the nature of peak demand forecasts (for winter in the NSW region) over the coming 10 years