A collection of some core analytical challenges
A collection of articles speaking to some core analytical challenges. Others are categorised elsewhere – like my prior thoughts on three reasons why forecasting is a mug’s game.
A collection of articles speaking to some core analytical challenges. Others are categorised elsewhere – like my prior thoughts on three reasons why forecasting is a mug’s game.
A quick look back over summer 2015-16 to date to see what level of electricity demand has been achieved.
On 4th December 2015, Sun Metals (a zinc smelter in northern Queensland, and also one of our initial deSide® clients) submitted this rule change request to the AEMC:...
Some ideas that I have been puzzling over - about the overlaps and contradictions between 3 rule changes under consideration at the AEMC currently 1) The Demand Response...
It's not even summer yet and we've already exceeded the high point of summer 2014-15 with the current hot weather...
Articles posted, relating to summer 2015-16 in the NEM
Responding to comments in social media about how "the race that stops the nation" might have contributed to a drop in demand in NSW
The competition is back, for another summer (with 7+1 prizes on offer). Read through for details...
Back on 8th October, I spoke at All Energy in Melbourne on this topic. Given the questions posed after the session, it seemed that it might be of...
A quick look at how ramp rates would vary (for "Unserved Consumption") in the hypothetical "10x" high intermittency grid.
Continuing our analysis of these hypothetical future scenarios to understand the shape of "unserved energy" and hence the potential contribution of Demand Response - today I post about...
Laying out the framework for the analysis I'm doing for my presentation at All Energy 2015 - about the role Demand Response might play in a future market...
A collection of articles, as we post them, about what’s been happening through spring 2015 in the NEM
A sped-up animation covering spanning a September 2015 weekend in the South Australian region of the NEM, illustrating both sides of the wind farm output coin.
Some further analysis of different aspects of wind farm output in South Australia
Sitting on the outside, looking in, this article sums up what seems to be the main areas of contention in the great Network Debate that's been running the...
Pondering more implications of the boom/bust pricing witnessed in the South Australian region last week...
Through the week we've seen new highs for wind production (NEM-wide) and also some low levels of production, as well - mirroring the political debate. The challenge has...
The University of Queensland has called for applicants for the next round of the E.S.Cornwall Memorial scholarship (closes Friday 31st July). A great opportunity for a young engineer...
Following today's announcement of the closure of Alinta's Northern Power Station in South Australia