Rare NEM-wide price spikes on Monday July 29th 2024

This evening I’m keeping one eye on the Olympic coverage and one eye on the electricity market – given earlier warnings of a possible demand record in TAS, and the prolonged run of high prices seen in SA last night.

Starting from the 17:55 dispatch interval this evening, we have seen a rare occurrence of prices spiking >$1,000/MWh in all five NEM regions simultaneously. Outside of the 2022 energy crisis, this has seldom occured in (at least) the recent history of the NEM.

As time permits, we will endeavour to take a closer look into the market conditions that led to these price outcomes.

About the Author

Dan Lee
Dan Lee first started at Global-Roam in June 2013. He has departed (and returned) for a couple of stints overseas in that time, but rejoined our team permanently in late 2019. More recently, Dan's focus has been on growing his understanding of the market and developing his analytical capabilities. He is currently enrolled in the Master of Sustainable Energy program at the University of Queensland.

2 Comments on "Rare NEM-wide price spikes on Monday July 29th 2024"

  1. Blocking high causing a significant downturn in wind production.

    Callide C3 is apparently offline as well for another month.

  2. Businesses in general are at a 25yr high for bankruptcy/insolvency. Nothing to see here folks.

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