New all-time record, for NEM-wide wind production on Thursday evening 30th May 2024

Well, what a crazy month of May it’s been, in terms of NEM-wide wind yield … from bust to boom (and perhaps then back again by the end of the month).

After the first ~28 days in the month being perhaps described as ‘downright disappointing’, the past ~36 hours have cranked up:

1)   Earlier today we’d written ‘Aggregate wind production NEMwide ramps up (close to all-time maximum!) to round out an otherwise low-yield May 2024’;

2)  But this evening we see the InitialMW for the 20:40 dispatch interval (i.e. SCADA snapshot at 20:35) has reached 8,251MW and looks set to climb still for another hour or so.  This is captured in this NEMwatch for the 20:40 dispatch interval:


For those who have been following us here on WattClarity, that’s in excess of what was the the all-time record for wind production of 8,132MW (set at 19:20 on Friday evening 7th July 2023).

We’ll check back in the morning to see how much further this has climbed…



PS1 … later Thursday evening 30th May 2024

At this point it looks like:

1)  The highest point this evening (at least thus far) was at 8,431MW … SCADA snapshot at 21:00 (so InitialMW for the 21:05 dispatch interval)

2)  and the wind production has slowly started to decline


About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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