I’ve not been working today, but the ongoing SMS alerts have continued to remind me of several bursts of volatility today in South Australia. Here’s a snapshot from NEMwatch at 17:25:
Quick notes:
1) Dispatch price above $1,000/MWh at present (but above $10,000/MWh for a sustained period this morning)
2) Off the back of recent volatility, the Cumulative Price is up above $780,000 in South Australia
3) Very little wind production in South Australia today (i.e. dropped below 10MW for a long block of time through the afternoon):
(a) Meaning the fuel mix has been a solid block of red (i.e. gas-fired generation) across the past 24 hours
(b) With solar production during the day; and
(c) batteries and peaking diesel-fired units doing what they can
4) Ongoing limitations of imports from Victoria
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