This is a category of articles that have been accumulating on WattClarity for some time, aimed at helping to tame Villain #4, which is what we see as a growing deficit in Energy Literacy/Numeracy required to effectively deal with the growing challenges of this energy transition.
About the Author
Paul McArdle
Related Articles
Allan O'Neil
Friday, March 22 2019
Price Setting Concepts – an Explainer
Guest author, Allan O’Neil, contributes to our series of articles explaining how prices are set the the NEM (as part of how dispatch works). In this article, Allan explains some of the details in the AEMO’s “Price Setter” file.
Paul McArdle
Tuesday, April 24 2018
An explainer about electricity demand [take 1]
Following from a steady stream of questions we receive in relation to a range of our products (but in particular with respect to “the RenewEconomy Widget”) we’ve invested some time to put this post together to explain some of what we understand about electricity demand.
Paul McArdle
Friday, August 3 2018
Different approaches for dispatch
Highlighting the different approaches taken to cost/price based dispatch in an interconnected electricity system (or market).
Ryan Esplin
Thursday, May 11 2023
How dispatch works … it’s much more than just a bid stack
New guest author, Ryan Esplin progressively builds a more precise model of the NEMDE dispatch process to illustrate why the stylised ‘Merit Order’ bid stack model is increasingly not enough to explain dispatch and price outcomes in the NEM
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