Animation of several hours over the evening of Saturday 12th January 2013 in Queensland

Another of the case studies we compiled as part of our extensive review of “Summer 2013 in Queensland:  What happened, why and what are the future implications” utilised our ez2viewAustralia software package to walk through several hours through the evening of Saturday 12th January 2013.

This was a weekend that was remarkable for reasons previously discussed – and occurred within a 4-month period that was remarkable for a number of different reasons.  Only some of the factors that contributed to the high prices delivered for the entire summer period were present on this occasion – though it is still informative.

An animation of this case study is provided here for more general viewing, with the full version provided with the report:

With this one we have experimented with adding in an audio commentary – so turn your speakers up, and then let us know if this also helps to make these events more understandable?


Queensland Summer 2013

What happened, why – and what are the future implications?

This report is ready to be provided in three parts:

PART 1 = Executive Insights has been written, and substantially refined, to be about 40 pages summarising the different factors that contributed to the key outcomes that emerged over summer (including those above, plus more). We summarise how these have come about, and comment on what the potential future implications might be.

PART 2 = Analytical Details has been compiled for the detail oriented and is centered around individual review of each of the 121 days over the period we have termed Summer 2013 for this review (December 2012 to March 2013). In several cases we have included focused Case Studies of specific events that occurred over summer – such as the one above.

PART 3 = An Explanation of some key concepts in the NEM has been prepared to augment AEMO’s excellent “An Introduction to the NEM” brochure, and provide some more details necessary for understanding the nature of volatility in the Queensland Region over summer. It’s designed to be read in conjunction with the illustrated Case Studies to help those not intimately aware of the workings of the NEM to understand what’s occurred, and why.

To order your copy of this report, please fax back this order form today.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

2 Comments on "Animation of several hours over the evening of Saturday 12th January 2013 in Queensland"

  1. Yes the audio does help with understanding. Even with the sound turned right up, it is still much quieter than most audio feeds and sometimes is difficult to hear. Can you boost the sound from your end?

    • Thanks for the comment, Martin

      Being a first attempt at adding audio, we used the tools we had at hand.

      Based on the belief that this kind of thing does add value to clients (by helping them more easily understand the complex interactions at work in the NEM) we are having a look at some technology that will give better sound quality.



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