Cold temperatures and low wind push NEM-wide IRPM down to 11.76% on Monday 17th June 2024

This evening we are seeing tight supply-demand conditions across the NEM. As a measure, NEM-wide IRPM (Instantaneous Reserve Plant Margin) has thus far hit a low of 11.76% – occurring during the 17:55 dispatch interval.

On the demand side, cold winter temperatures are being experienced across each of the major cities – in Brisbane (15°), Sydney (14°), Melbourne (11°), Adelaide (12°) and Hobart (8°) as at 6pm AEST.

On the supply side, low wind yield across South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania are contributing to low available generation in the wind fleet. Additionally, outages at Eraring Unit 4, Tarong North and Calide C4 are also further limiting the amount of available energy.

Prices in all five regions of the NEM were above $300 during the 17:55 dispatch interval, where NEM-wide IRPM hit a low of 11.76%

Source: ez2view’s NEM Map widget

About the Author

Dan Lee
Dan Lee first started at Global-Roam in June 2013. He has departed (and returned) for a couple of stints overseas in that time, but rejoined our team permanently in late 2019. More recently, Dan's focus has been on growing his understanding of the market and developing his analytical capabilities. He is currently enrolled in the Master of Sustainable Energy program at the University of Queensland.

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