An update on some coal-fired units, on Friday 14th June 2024

It’s been a crazy busy week in the National Electricity Market … both down at the level of the dispatch process, but also up in policy and prognostication land (such as at Australian Energy Week … it seems, looking in from outside).

There are plenty of individual articles that could be written – but for now here’s this one with a snapshot of ‘Generator Outages’ widget in ez2view, filtered down to look at all the 44 x coal units remaining in the NEM:


There are 44 remaining coal units still operating in the NEM (with performance analysed in detail in each GenInsights Quarterly Updates … alas we’re not yet finished for 2024 Q1, being swamped with activities at present.

Briefly with respect to the 4 stations/units highlighted:


A)  More machinations at Eraring

It’s surprising to think that it was just over 3 weeks when the announcement was made about an extension to service for Eraring Power Station (22 days ago, on Thursday 23rd May 2024).  Seems like an age in the electricity market!

There’s clearly a couple stories highlighted in this display … will see if we can get to it later.


B)  Callide C4 return to service expectations steady

The most recent MT PASA DUID Availability data still has the return to service expectation for Callide C4 set at Sunday 30th June 2024 (at part load) … which is great news.  Only 16 days to go…

But there have been other developments, as well…


C)  Tarong North trips

Also highlighted here, we note that Tarong North has come offline just before 11:00 this morning, as shown in this snapshot of an email alert triggered by the ‘Notifications’ widget running in a display copy of ez2view for us:


As shown on the first image, it’s currently slated to be offline through until Wednesday 3rd July 2024:

1)  Not shown here, but visible in the ‘Forecast Convergence’ widget, we find:

(a)  that the requirement to take an ‘Unplanned Forced Outage’ was reported to the AEMO sometime between 09:00 and 12:00 on Monday 10th June 2024.

(b)  the expected return to service date has bounced around slightly since that time … currently sitting at Wednesday 3rd July 2024.

2)  I’ve not looked further, to see if the cause of the outage is visible in the bidding data.


D)  Yallourn unit 3 returns

Obscured off the bottom of the image was the good news that Yallourn Unit 3 returned to service an hour after Tarong North came offline today … again via the ‘Notifications’ widget running in a display copy of ez2view for us:


Remember this unit tripped offline on Friday 7th June 2024, as noted in ‘Eraring and Yallourn units offline on unplanned outages again’.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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