Eraring and Yallourn units offline on unplanned outages again

A short article for Saturday 8th June to note unplanned outages underway, or coming soon, for three units.


A view of outage plans across the 44 x coal units

Let’s start with this snapshot from the ‘Generator Outages’ widget within ez2view at the 14:20 dispatch interval today:


There are three units highlighted in the grid, with brief comments below…


Eraring Unit 1 offline

This ER01 unit came offline just prior to midnight this morning, as captured in this alert from the ‘Notifications’ widget within ez2view:


Using the ‘Bids & Offers’ widget within ez2view at the 14:20 dispatch interval today we see the following:


With respect to the numbering:

1)  We can see the unit come back online on Monday 3rd June 2024:

(a)  Which we had not noted in any article on WattClarity;

(b)  Though we had noted on 28th May that ‘Eraring Unit 1 comes offline for Economiser Tube Leak’ … with that article linking to a bit more history for the unit

2)  We can see the unit come offline overnight

3)  We see the rebid reasons referencing ID Fan limitations

4)  Not shown here, but a reference to the ‘Forecast Convergence’ widget within ez2view suggests that the decision to take this unplanned maintenance outage might have been made on the afternoon of Wednesday 5th June 2024.


Eraring Unit 2 notifies of ‘Unplanned maintenance outage’ next week

Remember that on 26th May we’d noted ‘Eraring Unit 2 makes it back online, Saturday evening 25th May 2024’ … that article providing links to more recent history.  It looks like the unit is not going to reach 3 weeks of uninterrupted operations … as, highlighted in the first image, is the Unplanned Maintenance Outage for Eraring unit 2 beginning during the coming week.

Using the ‘Bids & Offers’ widget within ez2view at the 14:20 dispatch interval today we see the following:


In the ‘Bid Table’ shown above it notes a few different physical limitations on the plant … but it’s not 100% clear which of these (or other?) are the reason for the outage.

Not shown here, but a reference to the ‘Forecast Convergence’ widget within ez2view suggests that the decision to add in this unplanned maintenance outage might have been made yesterday (Friday 7th June 2024).


Yallourn unit 3 offline

This unit came offline around midday Friday 7th June 2024 (~12 hours prior to Eraring unit 1), as captured in this alert from the ‘Notifications’ widget within ez2view:


Using the ‘Bids & Offers’ widget within ez2view at the 14:20 dispatch interval today we see the following:


From the last rebid shown in the list (at 10:47 on Friday 7th June) it appears the unit came offline with an Economiser Tube Leak.  It was in this rebid that the operator signalled to the AEMO that the unit had to come offline shortly thereafter.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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