An ESOO snippet – how effective are different technologies at enhancing reliability?
In his second article about the 2023 ESOO, guest author Allan O'Neil takes a look at what the AEMO has published with respect to various options for firming...
In his second article about the 2023 ESOO, guest author Allan O'Neil takes a look at what the AEMO has published with respect to various options for firming...
Broader discussions about the '2022 Energy Crisis', and the specific discussion this afternoon for the EUAA Electricity Committee prompted us to publish (in full) Key Observation #5 of...
Ben Willacy of ITK Services examines the GSD2020 and seeks to highlight what the report can tell us about supply side price drivers in the NEM
Last minute complications mean that I cannot speak at today's "Queensland Smart Energy Summit" (with Jonathon Dyson being an even better substitute). Here are some of the observations...
Some quick calculations performed today to help me try to understand what the future might hold, in terms of battery storage (given I've been asked to talk batteries...
Cast your mind back 15 years to 2016. You probably don’t remember this, but 15 years ago people still debated whether the growth of distributed energy would fundamentally...
A quick look at how ramp rates would vary (for "Unserved Consumption") in the hypothetical "10x" high intermittency grid.
Continuing our analysis of these hypothetical future scenarios to understand the shape of "unserved energy" and hence the potential contribution of Demand Response - today I post about...
Some back-of-the-envelope calculations being a starting point to help me understand how much real contribution electric vehicles might make in feeding back into the grid when intermittent generation...
A synopsis of one of the challenges facing the electricity sector - and a suggested solution
Some thoughts about Capacity Payments - given the article in the AFR yesterday
GSES recently gave a presentation at the APVI workshop in Brisbane as part of the International Battery Association conference. The content of the presentation would be of interest...
Some back-of-the-envelope calculations about what electric vehicles might mean for the National Electricity Market, following on from my presentation at the EUAA Annual Conference