
Large Solar in the NEM mainland regions

The growth of Large Solar in the NEM has been phenomenal, and a sign that things are changing quickly in the Australian energy industry. The chart attached is the maximum output of each region from Large Solar installations on a…

How tight demand/supply situations can make solar forecasting important

NSW demand rose to a near-record high on Friday the 10th of February, and QLD soared to a new record demand on that Sunday, amidst an intense heatwave. While this heat-stressed our electricity markets and infrastructure, the nation’s rooftop solar PV systems were providing critical load reduction under plentiful sunshine.

Three Possible Business Models for Distributed Storage

GSES recently gave a presentation at the APVI workshop in Brisbane as part of the International Battery Association conference.

The content of the presentation would be of interest to WattClarity readers, hence this guest post – which focuses on three possible future business models, that would mean very different outcomes to the incumbents that have become accustomed to “business as usual” over many years.