Callide B2 back online on Wednesday 9th November 2022
Callide B2 has returned to service - perhaps a bit earlier than earlier projections noted.
Callide B2 has returned to service - perhaps a bit earlier than earlier projections noted.
Kate Summers gave this speech about the 'paralysis by analysis' currently occurring in the energy industry at Melbourne's All-Energy Australia Conference on Wednesday 26th of October.
Greg Thorpe of Oakley Greenwood discusses some of the latest developments in the electricity sector which could be described as 'back to the future'.. and provides a forecast...
One of the metrics we introduced into GenInsights Quarterly Update for 2022 Q3 was a long-range review of IRPM (Instantaneous Reserve Plant Margin). In this article we share...
On Sunday 6th November 2022 the NEMwide demand dropped below previous 'lowest point' records.
Following a client request on Friday 4th November, here's a quick look at the low wind conditions occurring on that day.
Prompted by a few media questions (on a day when all 4 units were offline together for about 3 hours), have taken a quick look at the status...
Casting a look over wholesale demand response in the NEM, one year on, how has participation grown and the capability been used?
The Griffith University (by Joel Gilmore, Tim Nelson and Tahlia Nolan) study mentioned in earlier RenewEconomy article is now accessible on the Griffith University website here.
Alerted via an ABC news article, we take a quick look at Callide C3.
Declan Kelly thinks through and discusses competition issues that could arise from the increasing proliferation of auto-bidding software by big batteries in the NEM - and suggests some...
Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O'Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price...