NEM-wide demand races past 31,500MW today

A record of the highest NEM-wide demand so far during summer 2012-13. A useful reference, for all of those who entered our “Best Demand Forecaster in the NEM” competition this time, and for those who sat on the sidelines.

How has Demand Diversity changed, over 15 summers?

Some analysis of the extent to which Demand Diversity (the degree to which peak demands in each region occur at different times) has changed in 15 years. If there are changes, it could be a factor at play in why peak demand has been changing.

Celebrate a summer Christmas with us–with your own new Beefmaster Premium 6 BBQ!

Here’s our regular, annual and popular call-to-calculators for all those who’ve drawn the short straw and have to work on through the Christmas -to- New Year this summer season. Turn the tables on those off enjoying some summer sun, or skiing way up north by getting your entry in – with a chance to be anointed “Best Demand Forecaster in the NEM” and celebrate with your own new BBQ (or some other new prizes).

Prices see-saw across the (mainland) NEM today

An interesting day in the NEM today, with prices gyrating across a wide spectrum, and across all four mainland regions – on the back of higher demand in Victoria and South Australia due to temperatures there, and supported by transmission issues and other factors.

Summer 2012-13 in the NEM

A collection of articles about events that occur, and observations that are made, about summer 2012-13 in the Australian National Electricity Market.