Generation gone with the wind
Ashleigh Madden of WeatherZone reports that a cold front has marched across southern Australia, breaking the week-long wind lull.
Ashleigh Madden of WeatherZone reports that a cold front has marched across southern Australia, breaking the week-long wind lull.
Guest author, Carl Daley from EnergyByte, provides this summary of summer 2024 - covering price volatility, consolidation of the twin peaks dynamic, and BESS performance.
A short note (on Thursday morning 18th April 2024) about how (and some questions why) aggregate wind farm production in the NEM is back, earlier than initially forecast.
Taking a quick look at the dispatch interval through this period of low aggregate wind harvest that also saw lowest aggregate VRE (Wind + Large Solar).
A quick look at how the current spell of low wind production has coincided with (and contributed to) a rise in futures prices.
A quick look at a period of low wind harvest across the NEM in April 2024 that's already stretched ~7 days and looks like it might have more...
Three data points points help to highlight the change in grid frequency in Tasmania on 12 April 2024.
A short article to record low wind, particularly in SA and VIC on Monday morning 15th April 2024 - hence elevated prices.
Another update from the Australian during the week with respect to the Federal Court proceedings with respect to Callide C (particularly unit C4).
A belated article recording how (on Friday 12th April at 10:48) the Sheffield - Farrell No.2 220 kV line tripped during restoration due to fault on the line,...
A few separate questions about Callide C3 and C4 in recent days prompts this short status update on both units.
It's Monday 8th April, the two Eraring units that tripped last week are back online - and I wonder what the cause of the coincident trip was?
An inspection of bids and dispatch outcomes indicates some units helped compensate for the loss of supply with the trip of ER01 and ER02.
The two Eraring units that had tripped on Wednesday 3 April 2024 were returned to service by 11pm that evening.
Fourth article on Wed 3rd April 2024, pertaining to the earlier coincident trip of ER01 and ER02 units at Eraring Power Station.
AEMO Market Notice 115944 notifies that the coincident trip of ER01 and ER02 was at 13:22 NEM time on Wednesday 3rd April 2024.
In this second short article for the day, we Time-Travel ez2view back to 4 x Dispatch Intervals surrounding the coincident trip of ER01 and ER02 at Eraring Power...
A first article noting simultaneous trip of Eraring units 1 and 2 on Wednesday afternoon 3rd April 2024.
In this article we look again at Tuesday 13th February 2024 (Victoria's ‘Major Power System Event’) and sum up the impact of the event on net exports from...
It's Monday afternoon 1st April 2024 and Callide C3 has begun its journey back online following an outage longer than 500 days since the cooling tower failure in...