The most recent 14 days of data for VIC1-NSW1
Here's a quick 14-day review of the operation of the VIC1-NSW1 interconnector, including the price difference across it.
A collation of articles pertaining to Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Here's a quick 14-day review of the operation of the VIC1-NSW1 interconnector, including the price difference across it.
We thought we'd take a quick look at Eraring unit 3, given it was the focus of Colin Packham’s article yesterday in the Australian.
Semi-scheduled generators shouldn't treat self-forecasts as commercial parameters. The regulator holds significant concerns with the biasing of self-forecasts for commercial benefit.
High prices eventuate slightly earlier than was earlier predicted, coinciding with the ‘N-CTMN_4_WG_CLOSE’ constraint set starting invocation today.
A short note for Tuesday morning 3rd December 2024 to highlight the emergence of forecast LOR2 conditions (and spicy prices) in NSW for later today