Case Study of high AggSchedTarget on Thu 30th Jan 2020 and Fri 31st Jan 2020 (part 1!)
In this article we delve in deeper on Thu 30th Jan and Fri 31st Jan 2020 ... two days that saw extreme levels of 'Aggregate Scheduled Target' (i.e....
A series of articles that are progressively been developed to explore the extreme level of Firming Capacity required (when measured as ‘Aggregate Scheduled Target’) on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st January 2020.
In this article we delve in deeper on Thu 30th Jan and Fri 31st Jan 2020 ... two days that saw extreme levels of 'Aggregate Scheduled Target' (i.e....
Today (Fri 31 January 2020) saw NEM-wide demand reach levels never seen before (excepting 29th January 2009). This was just the start of the white knuckle ride.
Guest author, Allan O'Neil does a masterful job with limited time in reviewing some of the goings-on in the NEM (particularly VIC and SA) on Thursday 30th January...