File creation times for P5MIN drop, prior to the end of the Market Suspension
Now that we're past Market Suspension, we take a look back and see file creation latency improve prior to the end of Market Suspension.
A collation of articles pertaining to the Latency of the Data Creation and Delivery process for P5MIN predispatch data from NEMDE.
Now that we're past Market Suspension, we take a look back and see file creation latency improve prior to the end of Market Suspension.
In parallel to the 'Energy Crisis 2022' (and perhaps related to it, in some ways) we see a step change decline in the performance of the timeliness of...
Following the article on Tuesday 15th February about 'blow-out in file creation latency', in this article we update stats for the past week ... but also look as...
Over the past 2 weekends in February (in particular) we have noticed AEMO's file creation time for 'P5MIN' files has increased significantly (and this has caused challenges for...
A short article (in the midst of GenInsights21 completion) more broadly sharing 2 good news stories from AEMO in the context of the NEMDE dispatch process.
Another set of 'file creation' data for the P5 Predispatch prepared by one of our team yesterday (Monday 15th November) suggests the file creation latency issues we highlighted...
Re-posted with update: In recent weeks we have noticed a trend towards increased latency in the creation of the ‘PUBLIC_P5MIN_*.csv’ files published by AEMO on MarketNet, and we...