Outside the NEM (including international)

Articles that look at the energy transition and electricity markets in other parts of the world, including:

1)  Different electricity grids and markets internationally;

2)  But also different parts of Australia not connected to the NEM e.g. Western Australia.

The Contagion of Scarcity

Guest author, Josh Stabler of Energy Edge, provides a look into the ‘contagion of scarcity’ events impacting the market since mid-May 2021.

The new energy ecosystem

Transformation in the electricity industry is occurring at an astounding rate. What’s more, it’s happening globally and Australia is pretty much ground zero. As a result, a new energy ecosystem is emerging. Accenture has recently released three reports which cover different aspects of this new ecosystem. These are the ‘New Energy Consumer’ report, ‘Digitally Enabled Grid’ report and the combined report for the ENA and CSIRO titled ‘Insights from Global Jurisdictions and Evolving Business Models’.