Home > Headline Events > 2021 – 25th May – Callide C4 Explosion, Fire and Outage
2021 – 25th May – Callide C4 Explosion, Fire and Outage
A collection of articles that began on Tuesday 25th May 2021, when Callide C4 unit exploded, which:
1) Led to loss of supply from sister units Callide C3, and B2 and B1 – but also others close
2) And also blackouts for a sizeable amount of Queensland due to under-frequency load shedding
3) And a very long repair process
4) Hence some concerns about the supply-demand balance, and prices
5) And an insolvency of one of the JV owners
6) There also was a lengthy process to report on the original cause of the explosion.
In this category we collate an expanding range of articles related to one or more of the above.
A short note following the AER announcement (Tue 4th Feb 2025) that ‘Callide Power Trading penalised $9 million for not meeting performance standards’.
Two weeks after our last look at the Return To Service progress at Callide C4, here's a quick update as at Friday 20th September 2024.
A chart showing the countdown to expected RTS for Callide C4, compared to the actual outage timeline.
A short update (on Friday 6th September 2024) about Callide C4, which has come off for a planned outage as part of its (re)commissioning process.
It's Friday 30th August 2024 and Callide C4 has commenced its return-to-service (and re-commissioning), after an outage lasting 1193 days
On Wednesday 17th July 2024, CS Energy released the Brady-Heywood report (about Callide C4 failure on 25th May 2021) and the HartzEPM Report (about CallideC3 failure on 31st...
In the last MT PASA DUID Availability data update for Friday 12th July 2024 the return to service expectation for the repaired Callide C4 unit has been delayed...
CS Energy has released the latest draft of the ‘Brady Report’ - a draft Executive Summary, a draft Part A (Technical) and a draft Part B (Organisational)
A glance at our generator outages widget shows a further three week delay to the expected RTS of Callide Unit C4.
At the end of an eventful week in the NEM, here's an update on a few fronts with respect to Callide C.
On Friday 17th May, CS Energy posted a video on YouTube showing a timelapse camera view of some of the repair process for Callide C4. This will be...
On Wednesday evening 15th May 2024, Anthony Macdonald published an update about Callide C4 in the AFR that's worth a read.
Two news articles in recent days in the Australian (with respect to Federal Court deliberations about Callide C4) prompt this latest article.
Another update from the Australian during the week with respect to the Federal Court proceedings with respect to Callide C (particularly unit C4).
A few separate questions about Callide C3 and C4 in recent days prompts this short status update on both units.
Following on just one day after CS Energy released an abridged report on the failure of Callide C4, the AFR reports about insurance problems.
Today CS energy has released a detailed insight into what happened to the C4 unit that caused the major failure.
Callide C3 is back in the news today, with Australian Energy Regulator taking legal action against Callide Power Trading in the Federal Court.
Late afternoon Monday 29th January 2024 (thanks to Nick Evans) we became aware that the Federal Court had ruled on docket number QUD541/2023 relating to Callide C4 and...
A short note about upcoming proceedings in the Federal Court (relating to Callide C3 and Callide C4) for next week.