The Contagion of Scarcity
Guest author, Josh Stabler of Energy Edge, provides a look into the 'contagion of scarcity' events impacting the market since mid-May 2021.
Guest author, Josh Stabler of Energy Edge, provides a look into the 'contagion of scarcity' events impacting the market since mid-May 2021.
Saturday evening 25th July 2021 saw the instantaneous production from wind farms across the NEM surge past 6,000MW for the first time and set a new 'all-time' record...
A short note about the first of a number of dispatch interval price spikes in the QLD region on Wednesday evening, 21st July 2021.
Quick notes about the winter evening peak in demand on Monday 5th July 2021
Watching what's unfolded in Texas over the past 24 hours has been rather disconcerting ... but also prompted questions about the broader energy transition. Here are some thoughts.
Prompted, in part, by yesterday's record low for Victorian demand, today I have finished off my earlier review of what happened on Saturday 29th August (8 days earlier)...
Have not checked thoroughly, but a quick scan suggests that the low point for Victorian Scheduled Demand at 13:05 today was a new record for minimum (daytime) demand....
Some SMS alerts notified me of some volatile dispatch intervals this evening in mainland regions. So I took a quick look...
A short review, as it happens, on a day where renewable production reached 10,000MW in aggregate across the NEM.
Some quick reflections on a day that saw spot prices in QLD down below $0/MWh for most of the period seeing strong daylight hours, hence strong injections from...
Yesterday evening (Tue 9th June 2020) saw an example of ‘dunkelflaute’ across the NEM. It's a phenomenon we will see increasingly as the transition progresses, so it's something...
Analysis compiled to explore what the impact was of the unusual weather pattern (extensive cloud cover and cold temperatures) seen across a large part of Queensland on Saturday...
The start of some analysis that helps to identify the variety of factors that combined to give a shaky balance between supply and demand in NSW last week.
A collection of articles about events that occurred through winter 2018 in the NEM (i.e. from 1st June to 31st August 2018)
A brief look, in the time available today, at a truly remarkable low point in aggregate wind farm output across the NEM through June 2017
A quick look at how the wholesale contracts market reacted to the announced bundle of measures by the Queensland Government, aimed at reducing the cost of electricity to...
A collection of articles posted about Winter 2017 in the NEM
Our guest author, Rob Davis, provides insights on how weather patterns are contributing to electricity consumption this winter - particularly in Victoria.
Some initial analysis about the remarkable pricing outcomes seen across all regions of the NEM through Q2 2016
Some brief notes about a changed pricing pattern observed in Q2 2016