Sweating on the return of Loy Yang A Unit 2
Taking a quick look at what's forecast for the Victorian region tomorrow, with LOR2-level Low Reserve Condition forecast.
Taking a quick look at what's forecast for the Victorian region tomorrow, with LOR2-level Low Reserve Condition forecast.
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, provides us an update today on what we can see about summer 2019-20 (in the physical market, and the financial market), now that it...
With summer 2019-20 fast approaching, we'll use the refresher on the two core components of risk (probability and consequence) to unpick what the real issue is with respect...
A quick look at what would have been a new "lowest ever" point for SA Scheduled Demand today at 12;30 ... if the AEMO forecast had held to...
I’d rather not add to the number of conspiracy theories in circulation, but I wonder if there’s a conspiracy to make understanding our electricity system in general, and...
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, drills into considerable depth to understand, and clearly explain, some of what happened during a volatile period in the VIC and SA regions on...
Yesterday I noted what appeared to be trips of two solar farms - Gannawarra and Karadoc - within a single dispatch interval and coincident with a period of...
Some quick notes about the volatility seen in the NEM on Friday 1st March 2019 - a hot day in Victoria and South Australia, the first day of...
An AEMO Market Notice about "Generator Recall" for Friday's forecast hot weather in South Australia and Victoria prompts a quick look at what's changed in the forecast that...
Two quick notes about what happened in Victoria on Friday 25th January 2019 following conversations with a number of people.
Back at work this week and (with curiosity getting the better of me) I have another look at what happened last Thursday and Friday in the South Australian...
A first look at some of the action seen in the southern parts of the NEM on Thursday 24th January 2019 as a result of the latest crazy...
A short post, prior to further analysis next week, to notify readers that Reserve Trader has been dispatched today.
Some snapshots from NEMwatch recording a day where NEM-wide demand breached 33,000MW and prices spiked above $1000/MWh in VIC and SA
Following AEMO's warnings issued yesterday about possible extreme heat next week in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, I take more of a look at what might transpire and compare...
Two quick snapshots of a high priced day in Victoria and South Australia - with the price jumping above $12,000/MWh at 15:50
Following on from Saturday's islanding event, we use our current interest in AEMO's 4-second SCADA data to prove a little more...
Returning to the theme of analysis of Q2 prices (completed in 2017 and 2016 due to Q2 historically being an uneventful period) we see that prices have backed...
A comment made by TransGrid at the Energy Networks 2018 conference today jolted me to update my (somewhat) outdated paradigm of declining demand.
A brief look at the numbers with the temporary coal supply issue affecting Loy Yang A and Loy Yang B overnight