High wind yield in recent days … but *not* a new all-time record
A look back over the strong wind farm production over recent days, to Monday 2nd September 2024.
A look back over the strong wind farm production over recent days, to Monday 2nd September 2024.
Overnight into Monday 2nd September 2024, the AEMO has extended its Severe Weather warning into SA, and then into VIC.
An article from Weatherzone prompts a look (via ez2view) at forecast aggregate Wind Farm Capability in the coming days - we might come close to a new record.
Anthony Sharwood's article ‘Wild winter winds hit 156 km/h in Tas, 128 km/h on mainland’ prompts me to have a quick look at wind production in Tasmania in...
A social media update talking about forecast high wind speeds in the coming week prompts me to check forecast aggregate wind farm production.
A Weatherzone forecast of potential high wind-speed cut-outs at some Wind Farms in the coming days will be of interest to some WattClarity readers.
Ben Domensino (from Weatherzone) provides useful information about the weather experienced in Victoria on Tuesday 13th February 2024
Looks like we're ramping up to a new all-time maximum for NEM-wide wind production ... perhaps?
In this article we explore the impacts on wind power generation as the storms passed through, in the leadup to the transmission line trip at 16:39 (NEM time,...
At 19:16 on Saturday 4th June 2022 the AEMO announced a 'Protected Event' for South Australia, with damaging winds forecast.
A full page article in the FinReview today quotes a number of people (including our work in the Generator Report Card) speaking about heightened risk in the NEM....
A large block of green (signifying wind) in our NEMwatch dashboard this morning prompts a look at what the all-time maximum production is these days...
On Saturday 2nd September, AEMO responded to a BOM-issued "Severe Weather Event" warning by reducing flow capacity west on the Heywood link. Here's how that looked...
From one extreme (perhaps lowest ever in June 2017, on like-for-like) to the other (new record production) in the space of just one month for aggregate wind in...
A quick note about high wind speeds in South Australia this afternoon leading to AEMO constraining wind farm output down for System Strength reasons.