Two diagrams to help illustrate the changes coming with FPP (Frequency Performance Payments)

It’s Monday 24th March 2025, which means that:

  • We’re just under 10 weeks away from the transition to the new Frequency Performance Payments process.
  • Also today, the AEMO is presenting some ‘observed outcomes and insights from the first months of FPP NFO’

Within Global-Roam Pty Ltd itself, we have been making some preparations for this new change (which we’re sensing is going to be bigger than many people are currently anticipating).  But those preparations also extend to other organisations which we’re associated with (as noted in our 25-year review):

  • I understand that Overwatch Energy has been fielding an increasing number of questions from their clients; and
  • We understand that ETSI have been providing briefings to their client base as well.
  • … and there’s been a bit of ‘cross-company’ chatter across these organisations and others (which is partly a prompt for this article).



What’s come before, on WattClarity …

Here on WattClarity we’ve already shared a number of articles, so I thought it would be useful to link in a number of them here:



Two diagrams to help explain

I’m sure that some (or many?!) of our readers are faster on the uptake than me, but it took me a while for the penny to drop that the change to FPP is much more than ‘just’ a replacement to the ‘Causer Pays’ process for allocation of Regulation FCAS costs.

The penny dropped for me only a couple weeks ago (I’d rather it have dropped much sooner) following a number of the cross-company chatter sessions, and the articles noted above.  So I prepared this image to explain my understanding, and had in mind that I’d pretty it up a little before posting on WattClarity:


But I’ve been asked to post the image as soon as possible (will help in the growing number of discussions we and others are having) so I have done this above.

It’s also worth expanding on that image above as follows:


I’ve done this to clarify such things as:

  • It’s a different ‘pot of money’ created effectively for payments for PFR also under the FPP changes.
  • The scope of the FPP changes is highlighted.


… but I’d suggest that readers speak to the real experts (like Ellise at Overwatch and Jack at ETSI) to get into the real details of these changes.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

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