Gremlins in AEMO systems publish rogue APC alert for South Australia, Sunday 9th March 2025

As noted before,

1)  many of our team are Brisbane based, and some of those are dealing with power outages as a result of TC Albert.

2)  we’ve tried to maintain some coverage of the broader implications (with respect to the NEM) here on WattClarity.


So a rogue Market Notices from the AEMO this evening (Sunday 9th March 2025) looking at the other end of the NEM was a bit of a head scratcher for a few of us:


The first notice (MN125439, which was the one issued in error) was as follows, and completely out of the blue!


From :              AEMO
To   :              NEMITWEB1
Creation Date :     09/03/2025     17:55:23


Notice ID               :         125439
Notice Type ID          :         ADMINISTERED PRICE CAP
Notice Type Description :         Administered price periods declared.
Issue Date              :         09/03/2025
External Reference      :         [EventId:204] AP STARTED for ENERGY in SA1 at 09 March 2025 17:55


Reason :


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1755 hrs on 09 March 2025


AEMO has determined that the rolling sum of the uncapped spot prices for the SA1 region over the previous 2016 trading intervals has exceeded the cumulative price threshold (CPT) of $1,573,700.00.

In accordance with Clause 3.14.2(b) of the National Electricity Rules, AEMO has determined that an administered price period will commence at the trading interval starting 1805 hrs on 09 March 2025 and will continue through to the end of that trading day.

An administered price cap (APC) of 600 $/MWh will apply to all trading intervals during this administered price period. This APC will apply to spot prices and to all market ancillary service prices in the SA1 region.

An administered floor price (AFP) of -600 $/MWh will apply to spot prices.

AEMO will continue to monitor the rolling sum of the uncapped spot prices and issue further Market Notices as required.

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.


This was followed:

1)   About 30 minutes later with MN125440 (noting ‘AEMO believes market notice 125439 was published in error.’); and then

2)  59 minutes after the first notice, with MN125442 confirming that it was a glitch:

‘AEMO confirms that market notice 125439 was published in error.’

3)  Interesting (and no idea whether related) the AEMO issued MN125446 at 19:11 noting:

‘Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the SA Region on 09/03/2025

Here’s a snapshot of NEMwatch at 20:00 (NEM time) noting the ‘Cumulative Price’ sitting below $90,000 … oodles below the current level of the Cumulative Price Threshold.


About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

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