Around 90 mintues ago, I noted that the AEMO had directed the Wallgrove BESS to maintain a particular state of charge, and speculated on possible causes.
Tom MacDonald has since pointed out that EnergyCo/Akaysha Energy’s Waratah BESS (which is currently in commissioning) has received a similar direction – to maintain a state of charge of 96 MWh, as per market notice 121083:
Notice ID : 121083 Notice Type Description : Market intervention Creation Date : 27/11/2024 14:18:44 AEMO ELECTRICITY MARKET NOTICE Direction - NSW region to Munmorah Battery ProjectCo Pty Ltd - WARATAHBESS1 Refer to Market Notice 121070 In accordance with clause 4.8.9(a)(1) of the National Electricity Rules, AEMO is issuing a direction to Munmorah Battery ProjectCo Pty Ltd. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a1)(1). Direction issued to: Munmorah Battery ProjectCo Pty Ltd - WARATAHBESS1 at 1415 hrs 27/11/2024 Type of resource: bi-directional unit Required actions: Maintain 96 MWh Energy Storage Level and follow dispatch targets at 1500 hrs 27/11/2024 Services provided: Reserve Circumstances necessitating the Direction: Reliability Circumstances necessitating the Direction additional detail: intervention is required to maintain the reliability standard Expected duration: 1900 hrs 27/11/2024. Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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