NSW Prices spike early ahead of forecasts on afternoon of 27th November

A quick note to record that Energy price in NSW has already spiked to up near the market price cap of $17500 as early as 14:30 NEM time, seen here in Forecast Convergence grid view.

Pricing outcomes on high demand days like this are clearly driven by a number of complex factors, but increasingly we are finding value in the overall story being told by our Congestion Map prototype.

About the Author

Adam Kent
Adam is a Senior Software Engineer, who joined Global-Roam in June 2021. Prior to joining the company, Adam worked as a software engineer for various companies over 20+ years, both in Australia and the United States, primarily in embedded software and consumer electronics.

1 Comment on "NSW Prices spike early ahead of forecasts on afternoon of 27th November"

  1. It would be interesting to see an overlay
    of proposed you transmission developments to see what extent these pinch boys in the network would have changed the outcome. What role did wind help yesterday

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