At Global-Roam Pty Ltd we’re probably partly to blame for this confusion (in putting together NEMwatch version 1 way back in 2000), in showing interconnectors in our software as effectively just hanging over each side of the inter-regional boundaries … whereas the way they work within NEMDE is as a concatenation of the entire flow path between the two relevant Regional Reference Nodes (RRNs).
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time.
As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.
A quick summary about the presence of constraints limiting the ability of the southern regions to help, via the VIC1-NSW1 interconnector, on Thursday 7th November 2024.
Paul McArdle recently drew my attention to a short Twitter thread started by David Osmond on the arcane topic of NEM system frequency behaviour: At Paul’s invitation I’ve dived further into this issue to fill in some background, provide…
A first (and perhaps only – as this took longer than initially planned) walk through some of the interesting points of what happened yesterday (Sat 16th Nov 2019) when South Australia islanded from the rest of the NEM with the trip of the Heywood interconnector.
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