AEMO extends ‘Severe Weather’ warning from TAS into SA and VIC

On Saturday we noted AEMO’s warning of ‘Severe Weather’ in Tasmania and the impact on the electricity market

… for a first-hand account, read Ric’s comment at the end of that article.

Overnight into Monday morning 2nd September 2024 we’ve been alerted via SMS that the AEMO extended the ‘Severe Weather’ warning into SA, and then also into VIC:


Severe Weather in South Australia

At 20:15 Sunday evening the AEMO issued Market Notice 118040 as follows:


From :              AEMO
To   :              NEMITWEB1
Creation Date :     01/09/2024     20:15:12


Notice ID               :         118040
Notice Type ID          :         RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY
Notice Type Description :         Reclassify contingency events
Issue Date              :         01/09/2024
External Reference      :         Reclassification of non-credible contingency event due to existence of widespread abnormal conditions – SA region


Reason :


AEMO has identified that a non-credible contingency event impacting the power system is more likely to occur and is considered reasonably possible Mount Lofty Ranges, Kangaroo Island, Upper South East, Lower South East and parts of Lower Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula, Mid North and Murraylands districts because of the existence of widespread abnormal conditions namely severe weather.

AEMO has therefore reclassified the occurrence of a non-credible contingency event involving multiple plant due to these abnormal conditions as credible.

AEMO has taken the following action(s) to maintain power system security at 2015 hrs 01/09/2024

Constraint set(s) invoked: I-VS_250

Duration: 2015 hrs until further notice

Need for further measures is being monitored and further measures may be implemented in line with the Power System Security Guidelines (SO_OP_3715).

Manager NEM Real Time Operations


When I checked this morning, there were 37 network outages (affecting ‘only’ 4,652 customers) marked on the SAPN Network Outage Map:


The twitter feed of SA SES has updates on Weather Warnings from the BOM, but I did not see anything in terms of status.


Severe Weather in Victoria

Then at 02:53 this morning, the AEMO issued 118048 to extend further, into Victoria:


From :              AEMO
To   :              NEMITWEB1
Creation Date :     02/09/2024     02:53:23


Notice ID               :         118048
Notice Type ID          :         RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY
Notice Type Description :         Reclassify contingency events
Issue Date              :         02/09/2024
External Reference      :         Reclassification of non-credible contingency event due to existence of widespread abnormal conditions -Vic region.


Reason :


AEMO has identified that a non-credible contingency event impacting the power system is more likely to occur and is considered reasonably possible in  Central, East Gippsland, South West, North Central, West and South Gippsland, Wimmera and parts of Northern Country, North East and Mallee Forecast Districts because of the existence of widespread abnormal conditions namely severe weather.

AEMO has therefore reclassified the occurrence of a non-credible contingency event involving multiple plant due to these abnormal conditions as credible.

AEMO has taken the following action(s) to maintain power system security at 0245 hrs 02/09/2024
Constraint set(s) invoked:

Duration:  0245 hrs until further notice

Need for further measures is being monitored and further measures may be implemented in line with the Power System Security Guidelines (SO_OP_3715).

Manager NEM Real Time Operations


Accompanying this alert from AEMO, there are plenty of updates from organisations like VIC Emergency and VIC SES on Twitter … like this one at 07:03 NEM time :



Tasmania still the epicentre?

Quickly checking the ABC news website this morning, the focus is still on Tasmania (i.e. presumably because it’s the worst affected):


About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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