Solar Farms in south-western NSW constrained to 0MW on Monday 24th June 2024

This morning we were alerted to the invocation of what appears to have turned out to be a pretty significant constraint set with respect to the output of solar farms in South-Western NSW.


The ‘N-DPWG_63_X5’ constraint set

This was captured in the ‘Notification’ widget alert inside of ez2view as shown here:


We went looking at the ‘N-DPWG_63_X5’ constraint set through the details view at the time and, notwithstanding some complexity in the details of the data entries within the EMMS, it looks like this is a day-long outage until 17:00 today:



Solar Farms in SW NSW all constrained down + some batteries also

We did not have time to explore more fully, but Geoff Eldridge’s question here prompted us to have more of a look in ez2view , with this snapshot from 12:15:


Geoff’s question noted:

‘Today, all solar farms in south western NSW from Wagga Wagga and west (except Griffith, though almost zero output) are not dispatching power. No as yet publicly available binding constraints in the area, so it may be a SCADA issue or control system action?’

I recall that Marcelle had written an article about this type of constraint behaviour previously in the article ‘Not as simple as it appears – estimating curtailment of renewable generation’ .

In this particular case, I’ve grabbed a snapshot of some of the constraint equations in this high-impact ‘N-DPWG_63_X5’ constraint set to highlight the way in which it’s reflecting instructions to many participants to set their capability at 0MW:



Don’t have time for more, at this point.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

1 Comment on "Solar Farms in south-western NSW constrained to 0MW on Monday 24th June 2024"

  1. It would have been very helpful if some or all of the curtailed power could have flowed into Victoria or SA.

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