(The main part of) IESS goes live today – Monday 3rd June 2024

A short article this morning to remind readers that the (main components of) the ‘Integrating energy storage systems into the National Electricity Market’ (IESS) reform goes live today.


What is IESS?

Rather than try to find different words to explain it, for now let’s just copy in the AEMO’s answer to this question here under the ‘General FAQs’:

‘Integrating energy storage systems into the National Electricity Market” (IESS) is a complex reform with four major components:

1)  Market small generation aggregators able to provide contingency frequency control ancillary services (FCAS) – optional for Small Generation Aggregators

2)  Aggregate systems (large-scale ‘hybrid’ plant) can opt into aggregated dispatch conformance – optional for aggregate systems

3)  Material changes to the non-energy cost recovery framework leading to significant changes to NEM settlement table structures – affects all ‘financially responsible Market Participants’

4)  Registration, classification and bidding changes for scheduled Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)’


For more information:

Readers might appreciate these resources:

1)  There’s earlier articles about IESS collated under this heading here on WattClarity, and there will be more to come.

2)  The AEMO Project Page for this reform also provides a great deal of information.

3)  And of course there is the AEMC Rule Change page for IESS.

4)  On a much more time-sensitive basis, those who are in Brisbane this Wednesday (5th June 2024) might hear more about hybrids (which are the subject of the rule change) in the afternoon session at the Clean Energy Council’s ‘Large Scale Solar & Storage Summit’ for 2024:


Across the broader suite of companies we’re shareholders in and/or collaborate closely with, there’s a fair contingent of people there.    For instance, Ellise Janetzki at Overwatch Energy is talking about ‘We Need to Talk About Being a Power Station (of the Future)’.

Will we see you there?


For our (software) clients

We’ve been working for some time on the implications of, and opportunities for, our clients with respect to various of our products and services.

For instance, our ez2view clients are able to upgrade to the v9.9.3.351 Transition Release for the arrival of bi-directional units (we understand this most likely won’t be until July sometime).  There’s even been releases since that time.

Contact us directly, if you would like to know more…

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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