AEMO Market Notice about ‘Space weather’

At 04:33:09 this morning, the AEMO issued MN115774 as follows:


From :              AEMO
To   :              NEMITWEB1
Creation Date :     25/03/2024     04:33:09


Notice ID               :         115774
Notice Type ID          :         GENERAL NOTICE
Notice Type Description :         Subjects not covered in specific notices
Issue Date              :         25/03/2024
External Reference      :         Severe Space Weather Watch Notification 25/03/2024


Reason :


Severe Space Weather Watch Notification 25/03/2024

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s Space Weather Forecasting Centre has issued the following notification.

Severe space weather watch: A recent space weather event is anticipated to impact the Earth within the next 48 hours.

The effects are expected to be significant.

Increased awareness of critical infrastructure is advised.

Please monitor the SWS website for further updates at

If required; actions will be taken as per AEMO’s system operating procedure SO_OP3715 Power System Security Guidelines.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations



On p14/32 of this BOM reference document ‘Australian Space Weather Alert System’ it provides a reference to what might happen in the Energy (i.e. Electricity) sector with a ‘Geomagnetic storm’ alert at ‘G4 – severe’ level :

• Significant GICs (i.e. Geomagnetically induced electric currents) may flow in isolated locations in the electricity grid. Isolated asset damage possible.
• Transmission network service providers may advise transformers to be de-rated or removed from service. AEMO may issue load-shedding instructions to maintain system  security.’

… but note this also covers Aviation, Defence, Space and Community.

On p20/32 of this BOM reference document ‘Australian Space Weather Alert System’ it provides a reference to what might happen in other sector with a ‘Solar radiation storm’ alert at ‘S4 – severe’ level … but in this case Energy is absent.

On p26/32 of this BOM reference document ‘Australian Space Weather Alert System’ it provides a reference to what might happen in other sector with a ‘Radio blackouts’ alert at ‘R4 – severe’ level … but in this case Energy is absent.

Note that the Market Notice is not specific about which category we fall under … however because AEMO has issued the Market Notice we think it will be G4 (Geomagnetic storm).


About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

1 Comment on "AEMO Market Notice about ‘Space weather’"

  1. Dr Anthony Spierings | Monday, March 25 2024 at 5:17 pm | Reply

    Further reading for the technically inclined. This is an open access paper.

    Title: Modeling geomagnetic induced currents in Australian power networks
    Journal: Space Weather Journal
    Issue: 10.1002/2017SW001613
    Publisher: AGU Publications

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