Evening volatility in QLD and NSW on Monday 29th January 2024

A short note to record some evening volatility in both QLD and NSW – beginning at the 17:20 dispatch interval (NEM time) and continuing through until 18:55 (at least to date), as shown in this run of SMS alerts here:



Here’s a snapshot from NEMwatch at the 19:00 dispatch interval with prices having subsided somewhat:


Note that:

1)  QLD ‘Market Demand’ had been as high as 10,050MW earlier (at HH:MM)

2)  NSW ‘Market Demand’ had also risen above the ‘green zone’, sitting at 11,411MW at this dispatch interval (still a little over 3,000MW below the all-time max)

3)  NEM-wide ‘Market Demand’ at this point also over 30,000MW – which used to be commonplace ~10 years ago, but now not so much.  Have not checked how that has trended through summer to date.

4)  Bound constraints on QNI and Directlink are suppressing supplies in from NSW and hence driving IRPM low for the QLD-only ‘Economic Island’.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

1 Comment on "Evening volatility in QLD and NSW on Monday 29th January 2024"

  1. How does a home user get these “Alert Price” messages? Thanks!

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