Michael Williams is the founder and CEO of Altus Energy Strategies.Altus Energy Solutions helps energy intensive enterprises to significantly reduce energy costs and risks by matching operational needs to the large range of energy supply options that exist in any market. Altus Energy develops very different strategies to the solutions offered by retailers who take a vanilla approach to their bundled energy supply offers.
Those retailers are never able to fully understand customer idiosyncrasies and must protect their margins with built in risk premiums.
Guest author, Allan O’Neil, takes a look, via the GSD2019 (released today), at the four different headwinds facing solar farm developers and operators operating in the NEM.
James Tetlow from Overwatch Energy explains an important rule change that was recently introduced that has seen a significant increase in the civil penalties for generators who fail to follow operating rules.
We compiled a week-by-week summary of interesting events that occurred in the NEM – from 19th November 2006 through until 16th January 2007 (the day of the blackout).
Allan O’Neil provides an explainer about how small deviations in supply and demand are managed in the NEM, in order to help us understand the apparent swings in frequency that we noted in QLD last Friday.
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