Michael Williams is the founder and CEO of Altus Energy Strategies.Altus Energy Solutions helps energy intensive enterprises to significantly reduce energy costs and risks by matching operational needs to the large range of energy supply options that exist in any market. Altus Energy develops very different strategies to the solutions offered by retailers who take a vanilla approach to their bundled energy supply offers.
Those retailers are never able to fully understand customer idiosyncrasies and must protect their margins with built in risk premiums.
Without resiling from last week’s criticism of how the headlines from AEMO’s 2019 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) were communicated, it’d be churlish for me to fault the depth of disclosure and data sitting behind those results. Literally tens if…
New guest author (Aditya Upadhye) posts some thoughts about Generator Compliance Management – especially in the light of AER’s stated priority of ‘improve market participants compliance with performance standards and standards for critical infrastructure’ in 2023-24.
Our guest author, Mike Williams, has prepared a review of January and February 2016 in the South Australia – and what it would have meant for energy users with spot exposure, using Demand Response
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