Michael Williams is the founder and CEO of Altus Energy Strategies.Altus Energy Solutions helps energy intensive enterprises to significantly reduce energy costs and risks by matching operational needs to the large range of energy supply options that exist in any market. Altus Energy develops very different strategies to the solutions offered by retailers who take a vanilla approach to their bundled energy supply offers.
Those retailers are never able to fully understand customer idiosyncrasies and must protect their margins with built in risk premiums.
Some thoughts by a new guest author about different tariff options for delivering demand management for residential electricity customers – and the relative benefits of each for the network.
James Tetlow of Overwatch Energy shares this article which is adapted from his presentation about BESS operations in the NEM at the recent All-Energy conference in Melbourne.
Carl Daley of EnergyByte, examines recent energy and gas price volatility, leading to the conclusion that the May to July period in QLD and NSW has been the biggest shock to the spot market in history, and the forward price movements are rivalling the record setting year of 2007.
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