Having benefited enormously from my opportunity to gain good international experience with my own E.S. Cornwall Memorial Scholarship 20 years ago, I will always be a keen supporter of the scholarship as a way of benefiting both:
a young engineer, because of both professional and personal experiences they gain across a number of countries, and
the Australian electricity supply industry, by virtue of the skills and insights they bring back.
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time.
As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.
Guest author, Andrew Wilson, presents a case study of the performance and results from the University of Queensland’s 1.1MW Tesla Powerpack system during Q1 2020.
The University of Queensland’s project team that was involved with the installation and operations of their 1.1MW Tesla battery presented a webinar and exhaustive Q&A on the first results of the project.
UQ’s Andrew Wilson pens a case study on the market events that occured on Tuesday the 13th of October in the QLD region, in which he examines the relative performance of UQ’s 1.1MW behind-the-meter battery during this period of market volatility.
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