Morning price spikes in SA with no wind or coal
Augurs to be an interesting day in South Australia today, with two (now three) price spikes already this morning - due in part to no supplies from coal,...
Augurs to be an interesting day in South Australia today, with two (now three) price spikes already this morning - due in part to no supplies from coal,...
It is now over two years ago that NSW sold its retail load and the dispatch rights to most of its generation. This blog post looks at what...
Historically most of our posts have been based on observations about the wholesale market. More recently we have also begun to have a look at retail prices, more...
As the QCA happens to be releasing the notified tariff prices later this month, I thought it opportune to write about how prices are set with a particular...
Prompted by a reader's question, we provide some further analysis into which brown coal plants have been declining output in recent times, and why this might be the...
A price spike late at night in South Australia, not long after posting other comments about low surplus generation capacity.
Spot prices in South Australia have been seen to be higher in the month of April than in the prior months, which is somewhat counter-intuitive. Prices also spiked...
Here's an animated view of how price volatility emerged in the Queensland region of the National Electricity Market emerged on 20th December 2012 - and the range of...
The Macarthur Wind Farm opening was officially opened today, but the wind did not make an appearance.
Following some tweets from the esaa mentioning how the demand in Victoria on Tuesday 12th March was the highest seen for four years, we had a look back...
Recapping who's won the Beefmaster Premium BBQ (and 5 other prizes as well) as the "Best Demand Forecasters in the NEM" for summer 2012-13
A view of how NEM-wide demand trended over summer, with respect to our Best Demand Forecaster in the NEM competition.
WattClarity is one way we strive to help people make better decisions – by making the energy market clearer, and more understandable. Do you know of someone who...
A chart and a table presented today at FutureGAS highlighting how the dominance of coal in power generation across the NEM is starting to shift.
After an eventful summer 2012-13 in the NEM, where we saw a heatwave early in the season lead into flooding rains (again) – and a new “Best Demand...
At 23:05 on Saturday 9th March AEMO advised that the Millmerran power station units 1 and 2 tripped simultaneously at 22:07 (58 minutes prior) - for reasons still...
Some high temperatures in Victoria and South Australia drive demand higher and, because of transmission constraints, the IRPM in the Economic Island lower.
The price spiked yesterday (Monday 18th February) in South Australia and Victoria - here's an overview of what happened.
A clear view of who are the bears, and who are the bulls, in terms of where they have forecasted the peak demand for summer 2012-13 will finally...
A record of the extreme temperatures across NSW today, driving demand in NSW up towards the all-time electricity demand record set 23 months ago.