AEMO issues Market Notice for Market Resumption at 15:10

Following on quickly from MN18149 about Market Suspension, the AEMO has issued MN118150 about Market Resumption as follows:


From :              AEMO
To   :              NEMITWEB1
Creation Date :     05/09/2024     14:41:01


Notice ID               :         118150
Notice Type ID          :         MARKET SUSPENSION
Notice Type Description :         Market suspended in region(s).
Issue Date              :         05/09/2024
External Reference      :         Declaration of electricity market resumption


Reason :


Declaration of electricity market resumption

Refer initial AEMO Electricity Market Notice 118149

AEMO declares that the suspension of the spot market in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria will end at 1510 hrs on 05 September 2024.

AEMO has taken sufficient steps to exclude the original event having influence on market processes and AEMO assesses that the possibility of suspending the spot market within the next 24 hours due to the same cause is minimal. AEMO also determines that it can operate the market in accordance with the provisions of the NER.

Relevant Market Notices issued under this suspension: 118149

Manager NEM Real Time Operations


About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

1 Comment on "AEMO issues Market Notice for Market Resumption at 15:10"

  1. A strange outage is due to Scada and Tasmania. Presumable direction?

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