Beefmaster Premium 6 on Cart with Side Burner! Who wouldn’t want to be the best demand forecaster in the NEM this summer?

It is that time of year again and we at global-roam want to know who is the best demand forecaster in the NEM.

If you are like me and working over Christmas (while both my bosses are on leave), seeing the office thin out and watching the work left behind pile up, then it time to have some fun. I have been left in charge of the Christmas competition this year and decided to make a change here and there to make life more interesting over the Christmas week (Friday 23/12/2011 – Monday 2/1/2012).


The basics are the same …

  • We still want to know who will be the first to accurately predict the highest NEM-Wide Demand on a Dispatch Target basis this summer. This is where you will find the NEM-Wide Demand in NEM-Watch (my boss will be happy with my subtle product placement):


  • We are still happy to give away a BBQ (the Beefmaster Premium 6 is one option but you can pick what best suits your needs within the same price range from Barbeques Galore).


Beefmaster Premium 6 on Cart with Side Burner

But this summer there is nowhere to hide …

Things will be a little bit more interesting this year as I will be publishing daily the previous days forecast entries.You will know how many people are entering, what they are forecasting and what the odds are that you might take home the Beefmaster Premium 6.

[Editor’s note – these entries are now sorted, and analysed, here]

You might need some new strategy this year to outwit the other guy!


How To Enter

  • Entries will be accepted from Friday the 23rd December 2011 to Monday the 2nd of January 2012.
  • Entries must be submitted to
  • We will accept one entry per person for each day of the competition. Only the first complete entry for each person entering will be accepted.
  • To submit a complete entry you must supply the following details in an email:
    1. Name (if you are a little shy and don’t want your name published you can also supply a pseudonym – please indicate this clearly).
    2. Where you work
    3. Forecast bid
  • Daily forecast bids will be available at:



Previous Competition Results and Cheat Sheets

WattClarity® is a great site to visit if you want to get a head start for the competition. The blog offers background analysis for previous summer demand and will be updated periodically about demand this summer. Sign up at WattClarity® to be notified when updates are published on the blog.

Suggested reading:

  1. Where demand is headed in the NEM.
  2. Some quick notes about summer 2010-11.
  3. Summer 2010/11 competition winner – Richard Hickling (of AEMO) bid <200MW (0.6%) higher than the actual demand peak.
  4. Winter 2009 competition winner – Andrea Prouse (of EnergyAustralia) was 577MW from the mark in a winter that failed to spark.
  5. Summer’s peak in demand in summer 2008-09 , when Thao Doan (of Stanwell) was a whopping 900MW below the peak in a summer that smashed the previous record.
  6. Summer’s peak in demand in summer 2006-07 , when David Turnour (of Origin) was about 100MW from the mark (0.3%)
  7. Summer’s peak in demand in summer 2005-06 , when Trevor Persal (of Ergon) practically nailed it, with an excellent entry!


Fine Print

  1. Entries will be accepted from Friday the 23rd December 2011 till Monday the 2nd of January 2012.
  2. Entries must be submitted to
  3. We will accept one entry per person for each day of the competition. Only the first complete entry for each person will be accepted. All subsequent or incomplete entries will be discarded.
  4. The winner will be the person we judge to be the first & nearest entry to the peak NEM-Wide Demand this summer (for clarity, this year we’re sticking with defining “Summer” as the period 1st December 2011 to 29th February 2012.
  5. For those who really do need the details, we calculate this on NEMMCO’s InfoServer as follows:
    select top 1 * from (SELECT SUM(TotalDemand) as Demand, SettlementDate
    from DispatchRegionSum
    GROUP BY SettlementDate)q
    order by Demand desc
  6. The winner will be notified directly soon after the end of “Summer”, and the winner’s name will also be published on the WattClarity ® site .
  7. Delivery of the BBQ will be organised to a location within the standard delivery area of an Australian Barbeques Galore store. If the store in your delivery area is out of that particular stock, we’ll arrange a suitable, similar, model for you – at around the same price.
  8. The competition is open to anyone with a genuine interest in the NEM (though obviously we hope that you’ll be using NEM-Watch – at least on a trial – to keep an eye on demand and take you a step closer to the Beefmaster Premium 6!)
  9. The competition is NOT open to employees, shareholders and other general hangers-on of GLOBAL-ROAM Pty Ltd
  10. We reserve the right to “lose” entries from companies we deem as competitors to us (can’t have them enjoying a new BBQ on us, can we!
  11. The decision of the judges (global-roam Pty Ltd) is final and no correspondence will be entered into. You could try to bribe them, but that won’t work – you could try to get in their “good books” by purchasing lots of NEM-Watch, and whilst that would make them happy, it will not get you closer to being declared the winner – though you will have a pretty good view of what the demand is, all summer!


The entire global-roam team would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and happy festive season. We look forward to working with you in 2012.

As always, let us know how we can serve you best?

Best regards,

Carol Hunter
Software Engineer
aka. Summer Competition Convenor because even my boss has gone on holidays

About the Author

Carol Hunter
Carol worked as a Software Engineer and Product Manager for Global-Roam between 2011 and 2018. Prior to joining the company, Carol worked for over eight years as a software engineer and team leader in various roles.

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