Trended NEM-wide % VRE over 12 days in June 2024
A short article in conjunction with GenInsights Quarterly Updates for 2024 Q2, trending NEM-wide % VRE over 12 days in June 2024.
A short article in conjunction with GenInsights Quarterly Updates for 2024 Q2, trending NEM-wide % VRE over 12 days in June 2024.
A short article in conjunction with GenInsights Quarterly Updates for 2024 Q2, trending NEM-wide IRPM over 9 days in June 2024.
A look into the geographic spread and diversity of wind production over the past three evenings, where we've seen supply-demand tightness across the NEM.
Given what's happened for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening this week (and even tighter supply-demand balance forecast for Thursday evening) we take a look at the correlation between...
Following a 90-minute period of low IRPM yesterday evening (Mon 17th June 2024) we take a quick look at see forecast low levels of IRPM for Tue 18th...
Second article this evening (Mon 17th June 2024) adding some more detail to the tight supply-demand balance, hence low IRPM, this evening.
This evening we are experiencing a tight supply-demand balance NEM-wide, stemming from cold temperatures, and low wind conditions across the southern states.