Energy Transition

A large collection of articles pertaining to the ongoing ‘Energy Transition’ in any of a number of ways.

Specific sub-categories relate to such things as Coal Closure, and other aspects of the transition.


What’s happening around Wagga?

Guest author, Allan O’Neil, takes a detailed look at how VIC1-NSW1 transfer capability has been limited frequently due to constraints related to the 051 line in southern NSW, and what it means in terms of inter-regional settlements residue accumulations, market efficiency overall, and the energy transition.

Very Fast Raise and Lower FCAS markets to start on 9 October 2023

Very Fast FCAS, because it operates at a faster timescale, can arrest the rise or fall in frequency more rapidly than the current fast service and therefore provides an avenue to mitigate the costs of needing to procure increasing levels of the existing fast service. The markets (raise and lower) are going live on 9 October 2023.