Only 14 weeks to go until Frequency Performance Payments
Full financial operation commences 8 June 2025.
A large collection of articles pertaining to the ongoing ‘Energy Transition’ in any of a number of ways.
Specific sub-categories relate to such things as Coal Closure, and other aspects of the transition.
Full financial operation commences 8 June 2025.
The implementation of the Primary frequency response incentive arrangements rule is driving change in how system frequency is controlled and paid-for. The changes stem from how the NEM...
The AEMC has announced that the Market Price Cap will increase to $20,300/MWh from 1st July 2025. Should we be so surprised?
Over many years we've invested deeply in analysing the nuanced answer to the question 'Is VRE Forecastable?'. This article (which has almost been posted many times before) is...
Following a question from a client today, we take a quick look at (some of) what the GSD2024 reveals of FCAS market participation of Semi-Scheduled units.
Declan Kelly thinks through and discusses competition issues that could arise from the increasing proliferation of auto-bidding software by big batteries in the NEM - and suggests some...
Two weeks after the AER published its updated Compliance Bulletin (and Compliance Checklist) for Semi-Scheduled units, we've finally found time to note about it.
Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O'Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price...
Anita, Lachlan, and Gilles from ERM Energetics share their thoughts on how financial electricity derivatives must evolve as the energy transition speeds up.
Following on from a similar review this time last year, Dan provides an updated look at the economics and performances within the NEM's big battery fleet, making use...
After reviewing the latest version of our Generator Statistical Digest (GSD), David Leitch shares his top insights about VRE curtailment across the NEM in 2024.
With the news that Codrington Wind Farm (one of the first in the NEM) is to be closed, we take a quick look at 24 years of history.
Given the situation that unfolded on Sunday 16th February 2025, we take a look at curtailment of Large Solar production (not quite a record).
Wednesday morning 12th February 2024 sees rapid and large oscillations in prices across all regions - which results from (and/or leads to) oscillations in output of many units....
Drawing from our freshly released GSD2024, Dan provides some deeper insights into curtailment in the NEM, beyond the headline totals that were a topic of much online discussion...
Prompted by a reader (and an ABC article) we take a look at Berrybank 1 & 2 Wind Farm following the turbine tower collapse on Tuesday 4th February...
Guest author Allan O'Neil looks at how operation of Project EnergyConnect Stage 1 may affect market outcomes, with some early indications that impacts won't be as straightforward as...
Ashleigh Madden of WeatherZone discusses how the the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption and a rare sudden stratospheric warming impacted the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and wind generation during...
AEMO noted (in MN123507) that 'The Bundey to Buronga 330kV (6F) line will be energised at 0700 hrs 21st January 2025.'
On Wednesday 15th January 2025 the AEMC decided to make a temporary rule change (which will come into effect from 23 January 2025) relating to mothballed Snuggery and...