Afternoon volatility in NSW on Tuesday 4th February 2025
A short record of spot price volatility in NSW on Tuesday afternoon 4th February 2025.
A short record of spot price volatility in NSW on Tuesday afternoon 4th February 2025.
Market Notice 118151 jumped out at me, because it pertains to an AEMO Direction to a Market Participant in NSW. Can't recall seeing that very often?
A second short article (this one with the benefit of 'next day public' data) looking at the whiplash on VIC1-NSW1 on Sunday 18th June 2023.
For several reasons we take a look at a transmission outage in southern NSW that contributed to some volatility seen in QLD and NSW in the second half...
A quick look at a brief price spike in NSW and QLD on Friday evening 28th October - which appears to be related to a Ravine -Yass(2) 330kV...